- +44 750-209-4628
One of the primary jobs of any package is to protect the product, and this is especially importance for E-commerce shipping cases. These packages must be designed to be durable enough to withstand the often complex automated and manual supply chains involved in delivering the product to the consumer’s doorstep.
Shipping cost
Most shipping couriers and shipping options are charged based on size and weight, you want to do your best to keep your packaging as small as possible. This will help you save not only on shipping costs incurred by you and your customer but also keep packaging costs from eating away your profit margin.
Barcode system
Barcodes reduce manual and paper-based data entry in the shipping process, which reduces human errors and discrepancies when packing, packing, and labelling. With global standard barcode system, you can synchronize the logistics transaction from your third party logistics service provider to worldwide distribution centre.
any questions or ready to talk about your project
Get in touch with EQUATION to discuss in more depth.